Avalon Gatherings - Kiva Documentary - The Call of the Wisdom Keepers - Avalon (2024)

KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers

In this documentary we get a unique look at the KIVA ceremony, where numerous Wisdom Keepers gather around a sacred fire and express their love through prayers, ancient rituals, songs and dance. But they also share their concern about caring for Mother Earth and humanity! The viewer is invited to investigate and feel how we can restore our relationship with the earth. “The earth cries and calls her children home!”

About the maker: Marijke Kodden

In 2018 Marijke got involved with the KIVA ceremonies – as a filmmaker and photographer – and was deeply moved. It felt like a homecoming, as nature has been her great inspiration all her life. Having worked for a dutch nature reserve organisation for over 10 years and having traveled the globe in search of indigenous tribes, it was mind blowing, touching and humbling to find these cultures all united in one place!

It became clear to her then – as the indigenous never lost their connection to nature – théy are the ones that can guide us to a more connected and sustainable way of life by teaching us how to reconnect with our roots.”

“As one of the first and few, I was permitted to photograph and film at these unique KIVA ceremonies in Mexico (2018), India (2019), The Netherlands (2018/2019) and Germany (2021). I feel very honored to have had the opportunity to interview many Wisdom Keepers, as I feel a strong urge to bring their message and the importance of the KIVA ceremony into the world. Not only via this documentary, but also via photo-exhibitions and live and online teaching/ sharings.”

Together with best friend Rakinah Buttner and Jaap Verhoeven (who joined as an editor on the project in 2021) they have made a hopeful documentary, that shows us how we can restore our relationship with the earth – ánd each other!

About Don Alejandro Apaza

Don Alejandro Apaza Machacca is a Maestro Chumpi Healer and Paqo Pampamesayok uit Quico. He is one of the last descendants of the Inca’s, a special lineage of Paqo’s.

Don Alejandro’s father, Son Santos, his grand-father Don Ifratio, and great-grand-father Don Nicolas, among other family members bring messages to Don Alejandro on a regular base through his dreams and visions.

It is in this time of Huge Transformation that Don Alejandro can transfer the Wisdom and Knowlegde of the Apaza Lineage to them that want to work with him. Transformations in Pachamama, the world, ourselves; his unique view on what’s going on has helped many of us to look from different perspectives, to truly let go, to heal and to transform.

He has about 50 years of experience as a Paqo (master) helping people from his community and now in other countries too.

Don Alejandro also hosts two workshops on Saturday November 18th and Sunday November 19th and offers personal healings on Friday 17th of November and Monday 19th of November.

About Henry de la Croix

Henry is the elder and energetic advisor of Avalon and for many people in the Netherlands. Henry walked the path of the medicine wheel; the warrior, healer, teacher, medicine man, with in the middle; the connected leader. He guides many people to walk on the same courageous path and helps people in his own practice with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges. Together with his partner Sharon, by the name of Shaz & The Medicine Man, they travel through the Netherlands and Ibiza to spread seeds of love and hope through their music and ceremony.

About Shaz & The Medicine Man

Shaz & The Medicine Man (Sharon & Henry) met in the fall of 2020, despite their completely different backgrounds, guided by the mystery of life, in the midst of turbulent and transformative times.

They soon discover that they have much more in common than meets the eye. The most likely: our parallel love of music and ceremony. They both bring our their unique talent into the magical field, mysteriously one song after another emerges from within. All songs are inspired by plant medicines, ceremonies, ancient teachings and traditions and the infinite wisdom and spirit of nature. They invite you to come home.

Please reserve your spot via the link below!

Cancellation policy:please be mindful reserving your spot. If you can’t make it. Please let us know asap so we can invite more people from the waiting list.

Avalon Gatherings - Kiva Documentary - The Call of the Wisdom Keepers - Avalon (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.