Filmscreening & Aftertalk KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers (2024)

In 1968, medicine man Raymundo Tigre Perez (Mexico/USA) had a vision.
He saw indigenous Wisdom Keepers from all over the world united in a circular pit – with a fire in the heart – performing a ceremony. A spiritual ceremony for the earth, for peace and well-being of all living beings. Only later did he discover that this was a KIVA, an ancient ceremony already used by the Anasazi 3000 years ago. Hundreds of native Wisdom Keepers answered his call and these KIVA ceremonies have been taking place around the world for more than 30 years. The KIVA ceremony is a collective call from the entire Indigenous population: they have never lost touch with nature and with their ancient wisdom they can lead us to a more connected and sustainable way of life!


Additional Information

In this documentary we get a unique view of the KIVA ceremony, where Indigenous Wisdom Keepers gather around a sacred fire and express their love via prayers, ancient rituals, songs and dance. But they also share their concern about the care for Mother Nature and humanity! Because of the moving prayers and the impressive conversations with the Wisdom Keepers – the viewer is invited to reflect upon how to heal our relationship with the Earth. ‘Because she is crying and is calling her children home!’

And so the Wisdom Keepers carry out their final call through KIVA ceremonies all over the world. At the same time they bring healing and solutions through their ancient rituals, prayers and Indigenous wisdom.

Voluntary Donations

This documentary is mostly financed with private resources. All programs of Pakhuis are free, but you can do a voluntary donation of 15 euro to support the work and distribution of the KIVA documentary. With a donation of 25 euros you will receive a photo of one of the Wisdom Keepers of your choice. Many thanks in advance. Marijke Kodden/Rakinah Buttner.

About the speakers

Marijke Kodden started filming at the unique KIVA ceremonies in Holland in 2018 and travelled to the KIVA in Mexico, India and back to KIVA Holland in 2019. Many Wisdom Keepers were interviewed and together with best friend Rakinah Buttner and Jaap Verhoeven (who got involved in 2021 and joined at KIVA Germany) a hopeful documentary was created, as the KIVA shows us how we can heal our relationship with the Earth!

Through ceremony, sacred storytelling and ritual performances Raquel Haug shares her wisdom and knowledge about the Sacred Women’s Mysteries. During an initiation ritual with Native American women 30 years ago, she was taught how to synchronize her women’s cycle with the lunar cycle and the cycles of nature. This ancient knowledge about the sacredness of life and our deep connection to the cycles of nature is the basis of her teachings and prayers. As a Dutch wisdomkeeper Raquel has been asked to start a new ceremonial place in the Netherlands connected to the Sacred Kiva Fire. From 2016- 2019 she was one of the organizers of the Dutch Kiva.

Philip Aswind van der Zee is part of the Kiva family since 2017, representing our ancestral European roots in the sacred space, close to the heart of the Kiva ceremony. Philip Aswind is a storyteller specialised in Germanic/Nordic and Celtic mythology. His spiritual journey started back in ’86, taking part and organising indigenous Earth-ceremonies, active in both cultural and spiritual disciplines. Philip was present as elder/ wisdomkeeper at the Kiva in Holland 3 times, Mexico 3 times, Kumbha Mela India and Germany 3times. In the documentary you can hear him play the Flamish bagpipes.

Chautuileo Tranamil has worked on a global scale with grassroots communities, especially Indigenous peoples. As a Mapuche-Pewenche herself, she is committed to the well-being of Indigenous communities around the world. Through her work, she is always celebrating the spirit of Indigenous peoples, and honoring their rights, cultural beliefs and local practices. She has studied Political Sciences with a focus on International Public Law, treaties, rights of Indigenous peoples. During her work and private life, she has become aware that climate crisis and collapse impact the Indigenous communities more significantly than others at a global scale. In addition, solutions without including the voices of the most marginalized are unlikely to be fair, or sustainable. She will have a speech about the importance of acknowledging Indigenous Resistance and the decolonization struggle. And why ceremonies are of great importance for reclaiming cultures of indigenous peoples around the globe.

Filmscreening & Aftertalk KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.