Productive Bees Documentation 1.0b documentation (2024)

Welcome to Productive Bees Wiki!

General Info

General Information Here

Frequently Asked Questions

If you find yourself stuck, or with some weird issues,here are some things you should check over first.Bee-cause there is a chance someone has already askedthat question before… possibly many times over.

**Q: Why do my bees not go into my hive?- Most of the bees found in the overworld are solitary bees and will not live in a hive. They need nests to live in, don’t produce resources and are mostly used for breeding other bees.- Each bee has specific flower requirements, make sure they are met. Flower requirements can bee seen in JEI by right clicking or pressing ‘U’ on the bee- If your bees were living in a different hive, they might still remember it as their home. Put the bee in a cage and release it while sneaking next to the new hive.- If all else fails, try breaking the hive and place it again. Bees stay in the hive when broken, no need for silk touch.

**Q: How to get X bee?- Most of the bees are obtained from breeding two other bees together, recipes for breeding can be found in JEI or the Big Book of Bees.- Solitary and wild bees are obtained from nests found around the world. You can make a new bee move into a nest by placing the nest in the right biome and then use one or more Honey Treats on the nest. Each additional treat will lower the countdown by 10%.- Some bees can only be obtained by crafting their spawn egg. Check JEI for the recipe if this is the case.- Primasrine bees can be fished from oceans.

**Q: How to get a Neon Cuckoo or a Nomad Bee- Neon Cuckoo and Nomad bees are cuckoo bees and will only spawn from nests of other bees. Neon Cuckoo bee will spawn from the nest of a Blue Banded Bee and Nomad bees from the nest of an Ashy Mining Bee. There’s a chance for a cuckoo bee to spawn each time the other bee brings back nectar, so make sure you have flowers around.

**Q: How do I get Skeletal or Zombees- Skeletal and ZomBees spawn during the night in empty advanced hives left in the dark- The spawn rate is rather low, so set up 6-8 hives in the dark and make sure the hives are chunkloaded

**Q: I can’t find vanilla bees!!!

from Minecraft wiki:“As of Java Edition 1.15.2, occupied bee nests additionally have a 5% chance to spawn on oak or birch trees in any biome that were grown from saplings within two blocks of any flower at the same y-level. With a bit of luck and a large enough supply of oak or birch saplings and bone meal, one can obtain bees relatively easily without having to travel, by repeatedly growing trees near flowers until one spawns a bee nest as it grows. This is also an ideal way to obtain bees in older worlds created prior to Java Edition 1.15, as it saves players from having to locate anything.”

**Q: How do I summon and kill beesMost of the bees are NBT based and will need more detailed commands to summon and kill- /kill @e[type=productivebees:configurable_bee, name=”Diamond Bee”]- /summon productivebees:configurable_bee ~ ~ ~ {“type”:”productivebees:diamond”}

**Q: How do I get bee genes for the IncubatorPut a piston above a bottler with bottles in it, squash the bee you want the genes of and you get a bottle of squashed bee. Put that in the centrifuge and you get the different bee attributes as genes as well as a bee type gene.Type genes can be combined with a honey treat and used in the Incubator to make spawn eggs of that type.The other genes can be put on honey treats and fed to other bees to transfer the attributes.Image

**Q: How to get Nocturnal and Metaturnal beesLeash a Diurnal bee to something during night and it has a chance to turn NocturnalLeash a Nocturnal bee during day and it has a chance to turn MetaturnalBe careful though as they can take damage with leashed in an environment they are not accustomed to

**Q: How to improve weather toleranceLeash a bee outside during rain or storm and the bee might become accustomed to the weatherBe careful as it may take damage while leashed in a hostile environment

Getting Started Guide

It’s all about the bees

Cooldown for breeding the bees is the same as is in ‘nilla.

There are several different types of bees.

Hive bees, which can live it either a standard, basic hive, or in the advanced one. Resources will only be produced when living in an Advanced Hive.

Wild bees, which can be found out and about in the world living in naturally spawning nests. Wild bees can live both in their natural nests and in hives as well.

Solitary bees, the loners. Found living in solitary nests found around the overworld. Solitary bees will not live in hives together with other bees and do not produce any resources.

Worker bees, a special breed of hive bees which are trained to do specific jobs like harvesting crops and gathering resources.

Among the hive bees are also modded bees, which can supply things added by other mods, such as copper, tin, and mod-specific resources.

Common Issues

Why do my bees not go into my hive?- Most of the bees found in the overworld are solitary bees and will not live in a hive. They need nests to live in, don’t produce resources and are mostly used for breeding other bees.- Each bee has specific flower requirements, make sure they are met. Flower requirements can bee seen in JEI by right clicking or pressing ‘U’ on the bee- If your bees were living in a different hive, they might still remember it as their home. Put the bee in a cage and release it while sneaking next to the new hive.

How to get X bee?- Most of the bees are obtained from breeding two other bees together, recipes for breeding can be found in JEI or the Big Book of Bees.- Solitary and wild bees are obtained from nests found around the world. You can make a new bee move into a nest by placing the nest in the right biome and then use one or more Honey Treats on the nest

How to get a Neon Cuckoo or a Nomad Bee- Neon Cuckoo and Nomad bees are cuckoo bees and will only spawn from nests of other bees. Neon Cuckoo bee will spawn from the nest of a Blue Banded Bee and Nomad bees from the nest of an Ashy Mining Bee

How to get Skeletal and ZomBees- Skeletal and ZomBees spawn during the night in empty hives left in the dark- The spawn rate is rather low, so set up 6-8 hives in the dark and make sure the hives are chunkloaded

JEI is not showing all the bees- The bees are not always indexed in JEI the first time. If you are an op you can run the /reload command- If you are not op, it usually works to disconnect and connect again



Datapack API

Roll your own Bees!

Productive Bees support has extensive datapack support making it possible to add your own bees or to overwrite and even remove existing bees or to change their production output.

Datapack API information

Datapack File Structure

├- data

—-├– productivebees

—-├—-├– productivebees

—-├– recipes

———├– bee_breeding

———├– bee_conversion

———├– centrifuge

Bee Definition

JSON file for containing the config for the bee, required for all bees.

Primary Color

Hex Color Code for the primary color of the bee and spawn egg.


Value: String (Hex color code)

"primaryColor": "#f2f24f"
Secondary Color

Hex Color Code for the primary color of the bee, and spawn egg.


Value: String (Hex color code)

"primaryColor": "#f2f24f"
Particle Color


Hex Color Code for the particles the bees emit when having nectar. If not provided, the default vanilla particle color will be used.

Value: String (Hex color code)

"secondaryColor": "#d0581f"
Bee Texture


If you would like to use a custom texture for your bee, other wise the default one with the colors will be used instead.Custom textures can be put in a resource pack.

Value: String (resource location)

"beeTexture": "productivebees:path_to_your_texture_file"


By default, the filename will be used to create the name. If you want a different name from the filename, you can define it here.

Value: string

"name": "Patrick SwayzBee"
Nesting Preference


This option is used by wild bees to define which nests and hives it can live in. The value is a blocktag resource location.

Value: string (resource location)

"nestingPreference": "productivebees:nests/nether_quartz_nests"
Create Comb


Whether or not to create a comb for your bee. Most of the bees provided by default output comb items from the item registry.For custom bees you can have the mod make an NBT based comb by setting this to true.

Value: boolean

"createComb": true
Attack Response


This is for if you would like your bee to use a special attack response.Current options are:

“fire” - sets the target on fire“lava” - drops lava on the target

Value: string

"attackResponse": "fire"
Model renderer

You can pick different models for your bee besides the default.

Available models:

“default” - the default value giving a normal bee model“default_crystal” - default sized bee with glowing crystals growing out of it“translucent_with_center” - used for slimy bees, renders the bee with a translucent skin and a blob in the center. Custom texture is required for this model.“thicc” - big boi bee“small” - smaller size, requires custom texture“slim” - smaller size, requires custom texture“tiny” - requires custom texture

Value: string

"renderer": "default_crystal"

Define what your bee will use as flower. Most bees are set to use a block of the type of resource it’s producing, but you can choose any block or tag.Only one of the two entries should be used. If you have a tag, use the flowerTag, for single blocks use the flowerBlock option.

Value: string

"flowerTag": "forge:storage_blocks/iron""flowerBlock": "minecraft:dirt"


If the model is not your desired size you can adjust it here.Don’t make the bee too small as it will start going through walls.

Value: float

"size": 1.0
Additional Attributes

These are additional attributes for your bee. Such as weather tolerance, productivity, etc.Each of these key: value pairs are optional. You can include none or all.Default values will be applied for the attributes not defined.

Value: boolean

"attributes": { "temper": 1, "endurance": 2, "behavior": 2, "productivity": 2, "weather_tolerance": 2}

Bees can be conditionally loaded. Conditions follow the same rules as recipe conditions.The example value can be used to disable a bee.

Value: array

"conditions": [ { "type": "forge:not", "value": { "type": "forge:mod_loaded", "modid": "productivebees" } }]


Bees can be translucent. A custom translucent texture must be provided as well.

Value: boolean

"translucent": false


If you would like for your bee to be able to teleport. Such as the Ender bee for example.(This could prove to make things interesting lol.)

Value: boolean

"teleporting": true
Fire Proof


Is your bee fireproof? Prevents damage from fire and lava.

Value: boolean

"fireproof": false


Should your bee be translucent?

Value: boolean

"translucent": false


Allows for your bee to live in egg hives and gives them protection from dragon’s breath attack;

Value: boolean

"draconic": false


Should your bee emit a redstone signal when having nectar, triggering contraptions below it?

Value: boolean

"redstoned": false


Randomly emit slime particles

Value: boolean

"slimy": false


Whether or not your bee gives a withered effect when attacking. Also provides immunity to wither damage.

Value: boolean

"withered": false


Whether or not your bee gives a blinding effect when attacking.

Value: boolean

"blinding": false


Does your bee give hunger to targets?

Value: boolean

"munchies": false
Bee Production Recipes

Recipe defining what a bee produces inside an advanced hive.


Required. This will always be this value.

"type": "productivebees:advanced_beehive"
Bee Ingredient

Required. The id of the bee.

"ingredient": "productivebees:coal"

Required. The array of output items. min, max and chance are optional.

"results": [ { "item": { "tag": "forge:honeycombs/fossilised" } }, { "item": { "item": "minecraft:coal" }, "min": 1.0, "max": 2.0, "chance": 30 }]

Optional. Typically used as a check for a mod being loaded / available. Conditions should match that of the bees used.

"conditions": [ { "type": "forge:mod_loaded", "modid": "simplefarming" }]
Bee Breeding Recipes
Defining recipes for bee breeding.

Required. This will always be this value.

"type": "productivebees:bee_breeding"

Required. The two parents for creating your bee.

"parent1": "productivebees:glowing","parent2": "productivebees:blazing"

Required. The bee offspring. The name of the bee is the filename used for the bee definition.

"offspring": [ "productivebees:your_bee_name"]
Breeding Items

Required. An array (list) of usable items for breeding. While they are not used at the moment, it’s a planned feature so it’s better to include them now.First item will be for parent1, second item in the list will be for parent2.

"breeding_items": [ { "item": "minecraft:dirt" }, { "tag": "minecraft:flowers" }]

Optional. Typically used as a check for a mod being loaded / available. Conditions should match that of the bees used.

"conditions": [ { "type": "forge:mod_loaded", "modid": "simplefarming" }]
Bee Conversion Recipes

Bee conversion is the second way available for providing a means to create your bee.


Required. This will always be this value.

"type": "productivebees:bee_conversion"
Source Bee

Required. The bee to bee used for the conversion recipe.

"source": "minecraft:bee"

Required. The bee produced from the conversion recipe.

"result": "productivebees:bacon"
Conversion Item

Required. The item or itemtag used for the bee conversion.

"item": { "tag": "forge:rawpork"}

Optional. Typically used as a check for a mod being loaded / available. Conditions should match that of the bees used.

"conditions": [ { "type": "forge:mod_loaded", "modid": "simplefarming" }]


Section on all of the blocks available, some of which are still a WIP.


Used to fill up bottles with honey. Honey can be piped into the sideand bottles put in the bottle to be filled with honey.

The bottler together with a piton can be used to bottle up bees as well.

See Genetics for more information on this.


Processes resource combs into resources and honey. Holds 10 buckets of liquid which can be pumpedout or extracted by putting bottles or buckets in the output slot.

The Powered Centrifuge takes FE to run, but will process items 3 times as fast. The centrifuge isalso used to separate genetic material from bottles of bee material into genes.

Accepts the Time Upgrade as well.

Feeder Slab

Can be used as a collection point for feeding bees.

It holds 3 items blocks. When Lumber or Quarrybees feed from this, it will produce from a random item in the feeder.


Provides a safe space to speedily grow baby bees into adults.

Place a baby bee in a cage and some honey treats inside and let it do it’s magic.

(Still a WIP)

Power Generator

A basic and simplistic power generator that merely runs off of honey.

Provides 3,000 FE @ 60 FE / T, from one bottle of honey.

Output amounts are configurable.


Information on items available.

Bee Cage

Holds bees for transport

Honey Treat

Feeding this to an angry bee will calm it down. It will also heal thebee and if the bees is a child, it will boost the growth a little.

Honey treats can be used as a way to transfer attributes from one beeto another. see Squashed Bee Material for more info.

Squashed Bee Material

Bottles of Squashed Bee Material contains a mix of genetics from a bee.

You can get a bees genetic material by first squashing the bee into abottle using a piston on top of a bottler. Make sure the bottler hasempty bottles and then contain the bee you wish to extract genes frombetween the bottler and the piston. Bottles are small, bees are big soit takes a lot of force to get it in. Bees usually do not survive thiskind of treatment.

Take your squashed bee material to the centrifuge and extract gene samplesfor each of the bees attributes. Combine a gene sample with a honey treatand feed it to a bee to transfer the gene.



There are 3 craftable types of hives, and a handful of wild ones.

Bamboo Hive

It’s a solitary bee hotel.

Unlike other hives which can only house one 1 bee,this particular nest can hold 9 solitary ones.

Basic Hive

Basic Hive

Advanced Hive

Advanced Hive


Overview and Information and references on nests.

Dirt Nest

Useful for spawning Ashy Mining, Chocolate Mining, and Leafcutter bees.

End Stone Nest

Attract Ender bees. Only works in the End Dimension.

Glowstone Nest

Used to attract or spawn Glowing bees.Must be placed in the nether to work.

Nether Brick Nest

Attracts Magmatic bees.Must be placed in the nether to work.

Obsidian Nest

Tough living environment only suitable for some bees native to the end.

Attracts Draconic bees.

Quartz Nest

Attracts Crystalline bees.

Must be placed in the nether to work.

Reed Nest

Used to attract Reed bees.

Sand Nest

Attracts bees that are native to the desert.

Slimy Nest

Can be found in swamp biomes. Is used to attract the slimy bee.

Snow Nest

Must be placed in a cold biome.Used primarily for Sweaty bee.

Soul Sand Nest

Attracts the Ghostly bee, inside the nether.

Stone Nest

Useful for spawning both the Digger and Mason bees.

Wooden Nest

Can be found on occasion out in the wild, and also craftedfrom the standard wood types.

Works in any overworld biome, and is useful for spawning the following bees;

Blue Banded, Resin, Yellow Black Carpenter, Green Carpenter


Section on Upgrades

Anti Teleportation

Prevents bees that are activly living in the hive from teleporting.

Breeding Upgrade

Gives a 5% chance for a new baby bee to be spawned every

time honey is delivered to the hive.

The type of bee is based on what is currently in the hive.

Multiple upgrades do stack for a greater chance of a newbaby bee spawning.

Comb Block

Changes the output produced from honey combs, to comb blocks.Having this upgrade in the hive increases the time bees spendinside by 40%.

Productivity Upgrade

Increases the production output rate for the bees in the hive by 80%.Multiple upgrades can be stacked for a greater increase in yield.

Time Upgrade

Reduces time bees spend in the hive by 20%.Can also be used in the Centrifuge as well.

Multiple upgrades stack to further decrease overall time.

Worker Bees

Intro Work Bees


Farmer bees will harvest nearby crops and leave them on the ground.

Is breed from Rancher and Lumber bees.


Will collect (hoard) nearby items dropped or left on the ground and deposit into a hive.

Pair with a Farmer bee for an automated farm!.

Hoarder bees are converted Honey Bees, using a Shulker Shell.


Nibbles on nearby wood, and collects the chips into nearby hives. These chips can then be crafted into logs.

Breed from Yellow Black Carpenter and Green Carpenter bees.


Rancher Bees will milk nearby cows and deposit milky combs into hives.

Breed from Lumber and Sweaty bees.

Quarry Bee

Nibbles on nearby stone, sand, and gravel, and collects the chips into nearby hives.These chips can then be crafted into their counterpart blocks.

Breed from Chocolate Mining and Digger bees.

Hive Bees

These little guys can live in either a standard,basic hive. Or in the more advanced one.


Creates Blazing combs, which when processed produces blaze powder.

Breed from Nomad and Magmatic bees.


Produces coal combs, which when processed creates coal or coal dust.

Bread from Blazing and Leafcutter Bees.


Creates diamond combs, which when processed produce diamonds or diamond dust.

Bread from Lapis and Ender bees.


Brings home lots of flowery bits, in particular those that it pollinated from.

Breed from Lapis and Skeletal bees.


Creates emerald combs, which when processed produce emeralds or emerald dust.

Bread from Slimy and Diamond bees.


Creates powdery combs, which when processed produce gunpowder.

Converted from Honey Bee, using TNT.


Creates gold combs, which when processed produce gold dust.

Breed from Mason and Crystalline bees.


Creates iron combs, which when processed produce iron dust.

Bree from Ashy Mining and Crystalline bees.


Creates lapis combs, which when processed creates Lapis Dust.

Breed from Blue Banded and Redstone bees.


Creates lapis combs, which when processed creates Redstone Dust.

Breed from Chocolate Mining and Glowing bees.

Wild Bees


Creates cystaline combs, which when processed produce nether quartz or nether quartz dust.

Comes from Quartz Nests placed in the nether.


Creates draconic combs, which when processed produce draconic dust.

Comes from Obsidian Nests placed in the end.


Creates ender combs, which when processed produce ender pearls.

Comes from End Stone Nests placed in the end.

Pro Tip: Use an Anti Teleportation Upgrade in your hives, so as to prevent these guys from teleporting!


Found in the nether living inside a Soul Sand Nest.

Produces Ghostly Comb, which when processed provides ghast tears.


Creates glowing combs, which when processed produces glowstone dust.

Comes from Glowstone Nests place in the nether.


Found in Netherbrick Nests placed in the nether.

Creates magmatic combs, which when processed produce magma cream.


Creates bone combs, which when processed produce bone meal.

These bony little buggers will move into an empty, dark unlit nest.


Creates slimy combs, which when processed produce slime balls.

Comes from Slimy Nests either found in swamps,or placed anywhere in the overworld.


Creates rotton combs, which when processed produce rotton flesh.

These rotton little buggers will move into an empty, dark unlit nest.

Solitary Bees

These bees are only found roaming in the wild.Remember That if you place an artificial nest down,you must prime it with a Honey Treat! The more treatsused to prime it, the faster bees are attracted to it.

Ashy Mining

Prefers sand, gravel, and dirt nests.

Blue Banded

Prefers wood nests.

Green Carpenter

Prefers wood nests.

Yellow Black Carpenter

Prefers wood nests.

Chocolate Mining

Prefers sand, gravel, and dirt nests.


Prefers stone or gravel nests.


Prefers reed and dirt nests.


Prefers reed and dirt nests.

Neon Cuckoo

These sneaky little buggers will lay their eggs in nestsbelongiong to Blue Banded Bees.


These sneaky little buggers will lay their eggs in nestsbelongiong to the Ashy Mining Bees.


Prefers reed nests.


Prefers wood nests.


Can only be found in cold areas, living in snow nests.

Productive Bees Documentation 1.0b documentation (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Views: 6449

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.