The Great Bend Weekly Tribune from Great Bend, Kansas (2024)



experimental economists. The way out is by developing tha state, increasing our population and wealth, and raising the standard of our Cordially Welcomed on Reaching HIS Home at Iadianapolu. Ixdiaxapolis, March 7. The Ceremonies Attending His Second Inauguration at Washington. husband, came soon after noon and took seats in the presidential gallery.

The wives and daughters and friends of the senators and representatives filled the other galleries. The first of the distinguished guests to arrive and to their positions in the, chamber Were the members of the others in a whole great state, and they themselves responsible to no ona Charles the First was beheaded for less than that They may cut my head off, but I'll never yield. I could die to be free, but I'll never give it up. Among the representative men of the Dunsmore house sentiments were expressed similar to those we have quoted from the senators. Take for instance The Thirteenth Epistle of Hudson to Lewelling-.

credit and increasing the demand for our lands and lots at improved legiti safflcleficy of our Institutions to stand against toe rudest shocks of violence, the wonderful thrift and enterprise of our people, and the demonstrated superiority of our free government) It behooves us to constantly watch for every symptom of insidious infirmity that threatens our national vigor. The strong man who. In the confidence of sturdy health, courts the sternest activities of life and rejoices in the hardihood of constant labor, may still have lurking near his vitals the unheeded disease that dooms Mm to sudden collapse. It cannot city was gaily decorated in honor of the return of Benjamin Harrison, ex-presi dent of the United States. He met with, a most cordial reception.

At An ImmenM Throng In Attendance From All Part of the Country-A t.reat Tro-cestlou The Inaugural Address la Full -Taking; the Oath. diplomat corps, in the full court uni A Sunday Sermon For Bis Excellency to Study Sacred Authority Quoted For the Benefit of Wicked "Reformers" Making History. mate values. This is the real statesmanship demanded in Kansas to-day. It is to these higher, broader and better considerations I wish to call your attention.

Gov. Lewelling, you are the head of the state. People and capital the following from Mr. Dunsmore, speaker and leader of the rump house. night there was a grand reception at the state house.

form of their respective nations, some Addresses of welcome to Gen. Harri of them in military costumes and most of them wearing insignia and decora pie will hold us to a swift and exacting acconaV ability. The oath 1 now take to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States not only impressively defines the great responsibility I assume but suggests obedience to constitutional commands as the rule by which my official cendue must be guided. I shall, to the best of my ability and within mj sphere ol duty, preserve the constitution by loyally protecting every grant of federal power it contains, by defending all its restraints when attacked by impatience and restlessness and by enforcing its limitations and reservations iu favor of the state and the people. Fully impressed with the gravity of the duties that confront me and mindful of my weakness, I should be appalled if it were my lot to bear unaided the responsibilities which await me I am, however, saved from discouragement when I remember that I shall have the support and coursel and co-operation of wise and patriotic men who will stand at my side in cabinet places or will represent the people in their legislative halls.

I find also much comfort in remembering that my countrymen are just and generous and in the assurance that they will not condemn thosa who by sin He says: We recognize the jurisdiction or no court or tribunal except the senate and executive and son were made by Gov. Matthews and .1 are moving out ou can help mora will submit to their wishes osly. The fight has Hon. W. Fairbanks to which the ex-president responded as follows: just begun.

Our appeal will be to the people and the cammign will be opened at once. Gov. Matthews, Mr. Fairbanks at-d rTienas: Your secretary of state offered a good be doubted that our stupendous achievements as a people and our country's robust strength have given rise to heedlessness of those laws governing our national health which we can no more evade than human life can escape the laws of God and nature. Manifestly nothing Is mors vital to our supremacy as a nation and to the beneficent purposes of our government than a sound and stable Currency.

Its exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmanship: and the danger of depreciation in the purchasing power of the wages paid to toil should furnish the strongest in I don't think even if tho circ*mstances were more favorable than now surround us, you could say more than the fewest words of thanks. deal of advice at the time, urging that tions on their.breasts. Their gold laced eoats, bright scarfs, epaulettes and the general magniScence of their attire gave a fine erfect to the scene. The diplomatic corps was followed by the supreme court. It presence at the door was announced at 11:20.

The senate stood up to receive it as it had the diplomatic corps and the chief justices in their black silk judicial robes and accompanied by the marshal Four years ago, if the calendar is consulted, I Washington, Maro'n Grover Cleveland, of New Yorit, thrice nominated for president of the United Slates and twice elected, has been, despite a heavy snowstorm, successfully inducted into that high office for his second term, with all appropriate ceremonies and the gathering of a mighty multitude. The last occasion was greater than the first It was irore imposing in the military and cic display. la 1885 there were the outside not more than 25.00Q men in line in the inau- than any other man to stop this movement and turn the tide towards Kansas and give to this grand state, so rich in spleudid possibilities new life. To do this we must get rid of the political charlatans who want to help the state by pulling it to pieces. Your party is one of demolition and revenge upon all who have not taken the mystic oath.

You belong to an organization built upon the prejudice of one left you to assume high responsibilities. If I should consult heart and mind. I should say it was ten years since I bade good-bye to my Indianapolis friends. Not the rising and the setting of the sun, but our experiences give the true sense centive to prompt and conservative precau In the Topeka Capital of Sunday, March 5, Maj. Hudson published No.

13 of his open letters to Gov. Lewelling. It is as follows: My Dear Governor: On this lovely Sunday morning, when the birds are gaily heralding the approach of spring, it is pleasant to know that your deeply religious mind rests from the carking cares of state, and that your soul finds rest in the contemplation of the loftier themes to. which men turn in hours of tribulation. You are fortunate in possessing a piety that does not interfere with your politics, and politics that do not jeopardize your individual interests.

These great elements of character, which combined with a profound ignorance of the state and people where you have resided for so short a time, eminently fit you to be the leader of jingo the duty of the populist members was to go home and not recognize the Douglass house. lie also said: The daily papers have suppressed the facts, and only printed what was favorable to the corporations, but that" will be changed. This decision of the partisin supreme court has given me more power than I want; they have said that I can make the next legislature by simply issuing certiflcttes to whom I please. I don't like so much power, but the people will have a say in this matter. Representative Daugherty, of Geary, tion.

In dealing with our present embarrassing situation as related to this subject we will be class of citizens against another. Itean wise If we temper our conddence and faith in our national strength and resources, with the only live upon keeping alive this hostility and continuing a war upon all in frank concession even thesa will not per cere devotion to their service deserve their forbearance and approval. Above all. I know thero is a supreme being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed tho American people; and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid. The oath of office was then admin mit us to deny with impunity the intrxcrable terests not recognized in your member said: "I will abide by the decision, but laws of finance and trade At the same time.

In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance or passion and our judgments should bo unmoved by allur the decision," and this expression ship. It was born behind locked doors and darkened windows. It ought not to live because it is not American and is not republican. For three years these was probably the general sentiment of ing phrases and unvexed by selfish interests I am confident that such an approach to the sub a large majority of the populists in the house and senate. The reproof admin of duration.

I come back to Indianapolis for since I came to manhood I have had no other home. Suggestions of an attrative sort were made to make my home elsewhere, but it seemed that the only home for me was Indianapolis. Cheers. I am too old to make a new home: not too old, I hope, to renew those old associations that made this so dear a home, acd to take within the circle of my affectionate regard this multitude ot new faces that I see here to-night. This city has made a wonderful growth since I left it.

I shall have to leara again the landmarks. Change, improvement, expansion and Increase are everywhere apparent, and in all this I rejoice with you. The state of Indiana has made corresponding increase. Factories and homes have greatly multiplied. Our population has greatly increased.

Wealth has been developed, and I trust and believe that with this advancement along material lines there has been a corresponding increase and development of the heart and of the home, which alone doctrines have been preached in Kan ject will result in prudent and effective reme and other officials entered and took their 6eats. The members of the house then came in informally and unannounced. On entering the senate wing about noon Mr. Harrison walked unattended to the president's room, where he found an abundance of work to keep him busy. In the meantime Mr.

Cleveland and Mr. Stevenson had been ushered into the private room of Mr. Morton, where a buffet lunch was served and a few callers dropped in to pay theirrespects. It was impossible to keep the crowds that overflowed the galleries and floor from the marble room and private lobbies and many ladies had gathered there in spite of orders of the guards. It was thus, through a crowd bordered istered by Chief Justice Fuller.

Parade and Review. Washington, March ft At the conclusion ot the inaugural address, the firing of a gua brought the commands of tho first grand division to attention, and amid the booming of the presidential salute of twenty -one guns from the reform In turning over the pages of sas, and as a result we can see men to istered to the supreme cotirt by United dial legislation In the meantime, so far as the executive branch of the government can intervene, none of the powers with day ready to defy the courts, sneer at States Senator Peffer was very mud. that book so appropriate for our perusal on this day, you will find in the follow mm Wj. Ma He expressed regret that the court had whk-h It 13 invested wi be withheld when their their decisions and openly avow their treason, who three years ago could not ing rpfprpnp tn t.hf hnnse A not "seen its way clearly to decline to batteries of Wasaingion barracks, the Wash- i i. 3 i exercise will be deemed necessary to maintain our national credit or avert financial disaster.

have done so. To-day the business in imrton luvr and Port Mrcr. Prfsi- icpiwi, uy imcicuic, aixix take jurisdiction." No tears. The oth dent Cleveland and his escort moved ranidw parenthetically, appears to be along Closely related to tho exaggerated confidence In our country's greatness, which tends to a the line of the decision of the supreme terests of ithe state an; prostrated-i because of threatened legislation against capital. The opening of the Cherokee strip will take thousands from our disregard of the rules of national safety, an court See Proverbs xxL 8: "The wicked are other danger confronts us not less serious I refer to the prevalence of a popular disposition er populist United States senator from Kansas, John Martin, although he had expressed himself more than a dozen prominent citizens before going to Washington, including the governor and chief justice, that the Douglass overthrown and are not; but the house to expect from the operation of the government of the righteous shall stand." especial and direct individual advantages.

The by a number of ladies, that at three Another quotation Irotn tne same state. Our name in the east and all over the west is a reproach. You, sir, at the head of the state for two years, cannot go oa as you have begun without spreading ruin and disaster beyond present computation. You have it in minutes before noon, by the clock in the senate chamber, the sergeant-at-arras of the senate came into the room verdict of our voters which condemned the iniquity of maintaining protection for protection's sake enjoins upon the people's servants the duty of exposing and destroying the brood of kindred evils which are the unwholesome prog house was beyond all question the legal house, had an opinion telegraphed from which we take the following bit of political demojrojry unworthy of an of the" vice president followed by Sena toward the White house, followed by the inaugural procession. The reviewing stand, designated by an immense flag flying above i was situated immediately in front of the executive mansion and on the south side of Pennsylvania avenue.

Acres of humanity, surging like a sea, occupied every available spot of ground in the vicinity and as the president made his appearrnce ano her cheer signaled his presence and was taken up and reechoed down the avenues and by ways like the roar of a troubled ocean. With head erect and standing firmly, with his Impassive features facing the procession. President Cleveland reviewed the military, civic and political organizations that made up the line of march. The inaugural parade, which was under command of Gen. Martin G.

McMahon, of New York, grand marshal, was composed of two grand divisions, each grand division beinp is turn sub divided into division and brigades. The United Siate3 forces, which led the parade, 3ronr power to serve your adopted state tor Mcrherson, of the committee of eny of paternalism. This is the baae of lepub-lican institutions and the constant peril of our government by the people. It degrades to the arrangements, and Vice President-elect with great honor if you are large enough to guide the turbulent element of your party and send the wreck Stevenson. source offers an explanation why our people are filled with lamentations and wear the badge of mourning: Proverbs xxix.

2: "When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." The lack of rejoicing all over our great state is very apparent My dear governor, when I last had the pleasure of addressing you throujh this valuable repository of political When the party was gotten together purposes of wily craft the plan of rule our fathers established and bequeathed to us as an object of our love and veneration. It perverts the patrintlo sentiment of our countrymen and tempts them to a pitiful calcu ers to the rear. What Kansas they met the president in the red room United States senator: Iamnotatali astonished at the finding of the supreme couTt, cot that I believe the de cision correct for on the contrary I believe it to be radically wrong. In my judgment the opinion delivered by Judre Allen is clearly the law of the cac, and it is substantially pustained by decisions of the supreme cojrt of Indiana and Ohio, and in many similar cases. But, unfortunately, the supreme court judges are men with like infirmities with other people, and when and marched outside of the chamber into the corridor, entering the chamber lation of the sordid gain to be derived from their government's maintenance.

It undermines the self-reliance of our people and sub promptly at noon by the senate clock. but as a matter of fact 12:45 standard stitutes in its place dependence upen govern time. political questions are involve 1 their decisions truth and wisdom, the supreme judicial power of the state had announced ment favoritism. It stifles tho spirit of true can make a great people The nation, too, has had Its growth and development. Some new lines of progress have beea indicated.

Wiihin the past few weeks I had the pleasure of lifting over one of the greatest merchant steamship that floats upon the sea the flag of beauty that hangs before me. Cheers. I regarded it as the precurser and the pioneer of the return of that timo when the American fi-g was seen in every sea and the American navy was held in estimation by other nations. Cheers Only one week ago I had the pleasure of seeing the greatest Fhip that has ever been built In America-a battle ship which, when completed, would be ab'c to cope with the greatest ship that Eng'and has upon the sea float from her ways into the Delaware with tho name oa her side. Cheers I will not speak to you of those duties which these years of absence have brought me, nor of their performance.

I left you with but one certainty and I return wiih that the certainty that I bad no other motive in my heart than the honor of the flag, the 8acredness of the constitution and the prosperity of all our people. Cheers. I come to you again, accompanied by a great torrow, but I trust and your presence here gives me your witness unattended by any shame arrowing out of the discbarge ot my public duties. Add to your kindness and to this great welcome which you have extended to mo to-day the further kiaJn'ss of excusing me from attempting to sneak to you farther. I shall be glad to carrv out the arrangement to take as many of you as I ma by the band and in these days and weeks that are to coaie to meet yoa In lay home in your hetnt-s a opportunity in nine cases cut of ten are made to meet the Americanism and stupefies every ennobling trait Meanwhile, at a quarter before 12 demands of political coniilions.

instead of be (senate clock) the speaker and house of ing a clean-cut and fair exposition of the law of of American citizenship The lessons of paternalism ought to be learned, and the better lesson taught, that while lhe people should patriotically and cheerfully support their govern the case. wers under the command of Brig. -Gen. John It. lirooke.

All commissioned and other officers carrying swords gave the military salute as they passed in review, turning towards President Cleveland as they did so. The imperturbable president returned the salutes by raisinj his hat, accompanied bv an almost imperceptible gad. Lieut. Cole C. Bainbridire commmded the artillery: Maj.

R. W. Huntington, of the United States marine corps, commanded ths marines, and Capt. J. M.

Bell, of the Seventh representatives were announced. The speaker was escorted to a chair at the You see, my dear governor, we are needs to-day is not military organization to fight her own citizens not agitators exaggerating the calamities of our people, nor the medicine of cheap political quacks who promise prosperity by legislation, but honest effort to pay debts with honest money, the advertisem*nt of our advantages as a state, and, once more, unitedly as one people, going forward and by our own confidence in our state building up the same sentiment abroad. This is the way out for an intelligent, independent and industrious people. My clear governor, drop jingo politics and give the state a business administration and in doing so make a place of high honor for j-ourself. secretary's desk and the representa FRESIDEST CLEVELAND.

Sural parade. At least 41,000 men, despite the disagreeable weather, marched along the great national avenue to or from the capitol. Also the governors of eleven great states New Yorit, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, In the north and east; of Pennsylvania und Maryland, among the middle states; of Georgia, North and South Carolina and Louisiana in the south, tnd of Wisconsin in the far west participated in the national ceremonies and thereby emphasized the complete restoration of national unity. There was a wild huzza from 1,000 throats as the carriage bearing the president and president-elect came in sight, preceded by Grand Marshal Mc-Mahon and staff. President-elect Cleveland and IYesidcnt Harrison both raised their hats in response to the popular salute, but the only effect was to redouble the enthusiasm of the multitudes.

Slowly the first brigade of the ment, its functions do not include the support of the people. The acceptance of this principle leads to a refusal of bounties and subsidies tives who followed him were crowded pasting bits of history together at this time that will be useful hereafter. You and your party will want to get away in wherever space could be found for which burden the labor and thrift of a portion them. But as to finding seats for them, of our citizens to aid Ill-advised or languishing enterprises in which they have no concern. It from this record after the people have had time to take a good look at it and that was entirety out of the question.

At this time the general spectacle to realize which way your crew was leads clso to a challenge of wild and pension expenditure, which overleirs the bounds of grateful recognition of patriotic ser was magnificent The galleries were heading1 the shin of state. You don't filled with elegantly dressed ladies, want law unless it suits you; you don't vice and prostitutes to viciou3 uses the people's with all the force and power of excellent legal terms and phrases and citations, old and young in judicial history, that 63 was greater than 58. You and your travesty upon political parties did not receive this judicial decision of a self-evident truth with that boisterous hilarity that greeted Ere'r Otis, Simpson, Peffer and other leaders of fiat when they announced in their public speeches all over Kansas that they would have their rights by the ballot or by the- bullet I noticed that the senators who represent your party and misrepresent Kansas had much to say against the decision of the supreme court Permit me to go back to the proceedings of the senate on Monday, February 27, and quote some sentiments uttered on that day at a time when the populist members of the house were obeying the decision of the court. Upon resolutions in the senate with a few gentlemen scattered among prompt and generous impulse to aid those disabled in their country's defense. them.

The senators from forty-four want courts unless their decisions are in favor of populistieinterpretations of the law and the constitution, and above HUSBAND'S HER Every thoughtful American must realize the states were all in their places. FLIRTATION. Ilannleis Affair importance of checking at its beginning any to Ite hen the senate clock indicated 11:50, It Tor ed Out all you don't want the majority to rule tendency In public cr private station to regard may cner. Alay Uu.i bless you all. lieers.1 cavalry, commanded tne squadron of light cavalry.

The scene along the line of march was such as no city but Washington and none but its broad, well paved Pennsylvania avenue could produce. Public and private stands erected along the line of march, from the capitol to a point beyond the White house, had aa estimated seating capacity of CO.000 persons, and every one ol them was crowde i. The main stand from which President Cleveland viewed the parade wis erected immediately in front of the White house. It was feet long and quite deep and had a comfortable seating capacity for 1,100 persons. Cushioned seats were provided for the president and hia cabinet, who surrounded him- and folding cbair3 were supplied for the diplomatic corps, who were arranged immediately behind him.

On either side were seats for senators, members of the house of representatives and specially invited guests. The right of the but when the actual time was 12:50, the unless you are the majority. I see that frugality and economy as virtues which we may safely outgrow. The toleration of this idea re AT IT AGAIN. vice president-elect was announced, scort division in advance of the presi sults in the waste of the people's money by your Lienerai Artz, whose Datues prior to the recent war were fought in a.

Colorado court against a disbarment Another Revolution tireaka Oat In Hon" and Mr. Stevenson, escorted by Senator McPherson, took his chair to the right their chosen servants, encourages prodigality and extravagance in the home life of our coun duras Government Troops Defeated. Panama, March 7. A new revolu of Vice President Morton. trymen.

Under our scheme of government for perjury, has been giving out the administration war policy. When I re waste of public money is a crime against the Immediately afterwards the presi 4 5 dential party started in measured tread nip the historic Fennsylvctnia avenue towards the capitol. The vice president-elect and the sen-Rto committee on arrangements followed in carriages in the rear of the president Another wild cheer greeted tion has broken out in southern Honduras, which may lead to the over citizen and the contempt of our people for dent of the United States and his cabi Arter All. Mrs. Uellcfield is very jealous of her husband, and her friends know of her failing.

One of them had a little fun at her expense the other day in consequence of this trait Toward the close of an afternoon call Mrs. Diane said to her: "Oh, by the way, I saw your husband to-day at the church dinner at the old post oilice." "Yes? He seemed to lie enjoying himself, I "He did, indeed. Was he never in net were announced and President member the hasty exit of your war secretary from our neighboring state and his rapid promotion after a few months economy and frugality in their personal af-airs, deplorably saps the strength and sturdi-noss of our national character. throw of President Pinciano Livi Levia and possibly involve all the Central Harrison and the members of his cabi denouncing the decision of the supreme court, but urging the recognition of the net entered the chamber. Mr.

Harri It is a plain dictate of honesty and goo1 gov in Kansas, I am reminded of the aged tue appearance of Vice President-elect American republics in war. Douglass house as a matter of expedi son was escorted to one of the chairs moss-covered story of the boy who Tolicarpe Donilla is the leader of the ency to secure needed legislation, the standing in front of the clerk's desk. Stevenson and it was repeated with vigor and prolonged with enthusiasm. The members of President Harrison's ernment that public expenditures should to limited by publio necessity, and that this should be measured by the rules of strict economy: and it is equally clear that frugality urged his father to come west: "Come author of the resolution, Senator Then the president-elect was an west, dad; mean men get office Landis, said, and we quote from the nounced and Mr. Cleveland, escorted here." We take the following from new revolution, and he has started In so well that ho has sent word to his friends in Panama that success is already assured.

(Jen. Terrencia Sierra is the chief of the revolutionary army president was assigned to the representatives of the press It had a seating capacity of 200 and the applications to the press committee numbered a little over 2,003. Tho parade, despite the storm, was greater in numbers and more imposing in military and civic display than that of any previous inauguration. Gen. Marlin F.

McMahon, of New York, the grand marshal, carried out In the or-panization of procession the same admirable methods of assembling his forces which made his management of the Columbian parade in among the people is the best guarantee of a contented and strong support of free institu by Senator Ransom, took the chair report of his speech in the populist paper of this city, the Daily Press: the general's interview: love with Miss Dinwiddle before ho married tions. next to Mr. Harrison. Hi3 entrance Men are drilling all over Kansas to-da7. Not When we met here we believed that we had One mode of the misappropriations of public "I'm sure I don't know, but it quite into the chamber was greeted with ap which Ikmilla has organized, and to funds is avoided when appointments to office, elected a majority of tho lower house, and we always will so believe.

When we recognized likely. Was she at ths dinner to-day?" plause. Then Vice-President Morton instead of being the rewards of partisan activ gether they make up the strongest com with guns, they haven't got them yet, but they are being drilled iu the facings and marching, and they will be drilled with the guns when they are ready for them. The lawdoesnot prevent the organization of an unlimited number of military companies who can arm them "Yes, and I saw her bend toward your the Dunsmore house we did what tho constitu arose and spoke as follows: bination that could be formed in south ity, are awarded to those whose efficiency promises a fair return of work for the compen- tion required us to do. We have passed every Senators: The time fixed by the constitution ern Honduras.

husbaud and t-ay something in a confidential, low act that we had promised, and now we find a tioa paid to them. To secure the fitness and for the termination of the Fifty-second con 6upreme court that wipes out all that has been lionilla's first victory was won on tho gress has arrived and I shall soon resign the "You didn't catch any of the conver selves Independent of the state, and this is being done to-day: the people are in earnest. competency of appointees to office, and to remove from political action the demoralizing maduess for spoils, civil service reform has plaza at Choluteca. That town was gavel of tho president of tho ssnito to the done and forces upon us a house that has no authority." Mr. Landis sent to the secretary sation?" honored son of Illinois who his beta chosen as My dear governor, this would be a to be read a quotation from a speech delivered protected by a force of 1,500 men commanded by Gen.

Martuo. With an army my successor. "No." Mrs. Dukane took her departure and good day for you to shut off the stream by ex-Senator Ingalls at Atchison in 188), in found a place in our public policy and laws. The benefits already gained through this instrumentality and the further usefulness it I cannot, however, take my leave of this dis which he scores Chief Justice Horton unmerci of only 1,000 lionilla and Gen.

Sierra of place hunters, advisers, fixers and tinguished body withmt offering my mo3t Mrs. llellefield waited impatiently for her husband's return home that even fully. promises, entitle it to the heartv support and graieful acknowledgment for the honor con Mr. Landis continued: "If the Santa Fe ferred by the resolution just adopted declaring revolutionary idiots, and retire to some quiet place where yon can take a large think all by yourself. Don't von see encouragement of all who desire to see our public service well performed, or who hope for the railroad company did not figure in politics as it ing.

attacked the forces garrisoned at Choluteca. They met a brave resistance and a hotly contested battle was fought on the plaza. The loss on each side was your approval of the manner in which I have does there would have been no trouble in the "Oh, you shameless man. she ex discharged the duties of the chair and express- elevation of political sentiment and the purification of political methods. state.

If I had a tea-year old boy who did not that the law-abiding, peace-loving citi lug my deep sense of the uniform courtesy and claimed, as he took off his overcoat and know more about justice than there is in tha kindness, even in and com The existence of Immense aggregations of Aew york city last October so successful. With military sagacity ho reoog-nizrd the fact that it takes many hours to mirch 4-V10' or men past a given point, even under the most favorable circ*mstances of broad and well paved streets, and instead of ordering all the organized bodies to be ready to fall in at one and tha same time, he allowed sufficient intervals between the hours of assembling to prevent as far as possible fatiguing wails, and so arranged the assembling pii.ces on contiguous sida streets that men were able to form and drop into line without delay and without crossing the line of march. In all thes? matters he was ably assisted by his adjutant-seneral, Col. H. C.

Corbia, United States army. The escorting division, composed of artillery, cavalry and infantry ot the regular army, drawn from the garrisons cf Fort Monroe, Fort Myer, Fort McHenry and the arms from Washington navy yard, with the national guard of the district, the high school cadet regiment and other local organizations assembled in tha neighborhood of tho White house and war, state and navy buildings and formed tn columnf of sections of twelve each, promptly at I): :0 They marched down the avenue, accmpi nyin hung it on the hall rack. heavy and many buildings were destroyed, but the details of the fatalities zens of Kansas have no occasion to go into military companies and be armed decision I would disown him Why do we sub- plicated situations, extended to me kindred enterprises and combinations of busi "What's the matter now?" he asked. mitf We do it that the blind, insane and desti as ttio presiding oraser by every have not yet reached this city. tute may be taken care of, and that the people's in deep surprise.

mombcr of this bod If I have committed er and drilled? What will they do this for? In what county is there necessity After more than two hours of de iuterests may not suffer rors you have refrained from rebuking them There you are, putting on an inno ness interests formed for the purpose of limiting production and fixing prices, is inconsistent with the fair field which ought to be open to every independent activity. Legitimate strife in business should not be superseded by an enforced concession to the demands of combina Senator Jumper, whose oratorical and I have never appealed in vain to your sense cent face, as if the whole town wasn't termined fighting. Gen. Martuo's broken and shattered army was forced to of justice and have ever received your support. for armed men? What does this fellow Artz mean by this sort of inflammatory nonsense about the "people" being in talking about vour flirtations with tho flights have loosened some of the stars, addressing the republican minority, My associations with the representatives ot retreat toward Uampota, leaving Cholu- Dinwiddie girl." the forty-four states of this great nation in tions that have the power to destroy; nor ceta and lariro amounts of arms and said: earnest? Who are the people? Does he this chamber ill be among the most cherished Flirtations'." he repeated in a dazed should the people to be served lose the benefit of cheapness which usually result from whole You have been rebellious, and have t-xken the many prisoners in the hands of It mil-la's victorious army.

memories of my life, and I can express no bet VICH PRESIDENT STEVENSON. sort of wn v. speak for the 150,000 republicans? Does he speak for the 50,000 democrats, or ter wish for my successor than that tho same some competition. These aggregations and combinations frequently constitute conspiracies Yes, flirtations. Now don't pretend initiatory step3 in all these troubles since January 10.

1 expect to vote for that resolution but shall do so under protest. We are only pre cabinet, Schofield command OPEN WAR DECLARED. has he even authority to talk that sort. relations of courtesy and kindness that have never been limited by part7 lines, or controlled she wasn't at the old post office to-day ing the army and the senior admiral of the navy followed in the order named against tho interests of the people and in all their phases they are unnatural and opposed to parin? the way when we bow to this rotten of treasonable rot for the 110,009 popu partisan aHlliatiou, and which have go hap The Ann Arlvir Send an to the when you got your dinner." and damnable system for a great revolution in our American sense of fairness. To the extent pily marked my intercourse with senators, may "Yes, she was there.

and the second brigade escort brought list voters? This kind of villainous talk is quoted all over the country to show this state. the presidential party from the White houso to the capitol prior to the inauguration. Ail ths rest of the parade assembled below the capitol KiiRlneerV llrol Owosso. March 7. Tiic breach be extended to him.

"Oh, you'll admit that much, will up the rear. In this order the president. Senator Leedy, a man of business ex And now, senators and officers of the senate. that property and life are not safe in that they can be reached and restrained bv federal power the general government should relieve our citizens from their Interference and exactions. between the Toledm.

Ann Arbor president-elect and vice president-elect you perienee entitling him to sense, if not from whom I have received so many good o.TQees Kansas. I believe, governor, that if and marched from th.3 capitol up the avenue after the inauguration ceremonies were over, a distance of fully two miles to the point of dis- Northern Mit-hijran Railroad Co. and the wsre escorted to the capitol. to patriotism, 'said: "Certainly." "Then what were you and she talk In the discharge of my duties, accept a feeble expression of my grateful appreciation of your kindness with my heartfelt wishes for your Loyalty to the principles upon which our gov The passage of the president along I despise the two judges that renaerea sucn you succeed in having a private interview with yourself you will see the im bandment, Washington circle, near Twenty-third street a decision, and I spit upon the decision. With ing so confidentially about?" Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers is now apparently complete.

New men are gathering ready to take the places of the future welfare, happiness and prosperity In life. ernment rests positively demands that the equality before the law which It guarantees to every citizen should be justly and in good faith this decision we will get the political hlde of For more than half tho day the city looked "We weren't talking confidentially. the avenue was one continual ovation of the most enthusiastic kind. The steady tramp of superbly drilled bat portance of asking the governor of Colorado to send a requisition for Artz. Is the vice president-elect now ready to take these judges and when they are hung up to dry like a vast military camp, the almost intermin and subscribe the oath of office? "I suppose she didn't even speak to There is another subject I want to we will see them branded on both sides wiih a railroad brand.

I expect to see this usurper Vice President Morton then admin able marching past of regulars and the well equipped military forces of the states being vouv conceded in all parts of the land. The enjoyment of this right follows the badge of citizenship wherever found, and, unimpared by race or color, appeals for recognition to American talions of regulars under the command of Gen. Brooks forming the escort, the disaffected men. This morning; Superintendent Connors issued a bulletin, announcing that old engineers Horton, like Jeffreys, hunting the prisons of istered the oath ot ottice to his succes "Yes, she did." broken in upon only by the visiting governors talk a little to you about this morning, governor, that seems to me to be important to all the people, except, possi this country in which to hido himself from jus sor and yielded to him the chair of the in their civilian costume, riding past in the or "Ah: ow 1 vc got you, leil me suggestive rumble of the gun carriages, manliness and fairness. tice.

could remain if they would leave the presiding officer. what she said" Our.relation with the Indians located within der that their states were admitted into the union and accompanied bv their brilliantly uniformed staffs. Then, with an intervening brotherhood; if they refused to dc so. The special session of the 1 if ty-third "She was one of the waitresses and our borders imposj upon us responsibilities we and the soldierly bearing of the young cadets all helped to keep the enthusiasm alive. On the extreme left of the And now we come to the honest expression of a genuine anarchist who is bly, the large number of loafers who attach themselves to the successful party she a.sked mc if I would take coffee or songress was then formally opened other men would be put in their places.

As a result of this bulletin, several new squad of Grand Army and Union veterans. too sincere to cover his treason to law cannot escaps. Humanity and consistency require us to treat them with forbearance, and in our dealings with them for the same reason there are camp fol with prayer by Chaplain Butler, after tea." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. came the civic half of the paraie, fully as nu front ran It of battery 1 marched a lowers. What this and every other engineers took out trains this morning.

which Vice President Stevenson arose with the evasions resorted to by other members of his party. We quote the merous and as interesting as the military display. The civic procession, under the mar- bronzed and rugged featured veteran who would have received a share of the western state needs to make it prosper to honestli and considerately regard their rights and interests. Every effort should It is rumored that Chief Arthur will The Grocer and the I'retty GlrL and addressed the senate, saying: Press in full: ous is a constant increase in her popu Senators: Deeply impressed with a sense of be made to lead them through the paths ot cIt- She is pretty and pert, and as she the grocery store the eyes of the plaudits on his own account had his history been known. His name was its responsibilities and of its dignities, I now lation aud development of her resources ilization and education to self supporting and retaliate against the company by ordering a strike on some of the connecting lines This would seriously cripple shalsmp of CoL Uliam Dickson was in six divisions and aggregated more than men and quite a noticeable dash of lady equestriennes.

Tammany with its gorgeous new banners and badges held the right of the lice. The second division was assigned to PennsyV by incoming capital. Kansas lias un proprietor follow her round in silent eutcr upon tho dischargi of th dutins of the high office to which I have been Iam Mr. Senn gave notice that he should vote against the resolution becauss it recognizes the Douglass house, and expressed the opinion that undue weight is given to the decision of the supreme court, and that "wc are too afraid John Martin and be was the only sur limited salt beds, lead deposits, coal independent citizenship. In the meantime, as the nation's wards, they should be promptly defended against the cupidity of designing men and shielded from "every influence or tempta admiration.

She asks for celery, and vivor of the Custer massacre. The fine not unmindful of the fact that the occupants of while she is trying to make up her this chair during the 101 years of our constitu the Ann Arbor road. If the engineers go out non-union men would be placed in their positions immediately. The appearance and splendid discipline of fields, water powers, and only a part of her rich soil is producing crops. Let of tie crv of anarchy." He said: "I am not tion that retards their advancement.

mind as to whether she will take a ten tional history have been statesmen, eminent vania: Massachusetts, New Jersey and Delaware had the third division: Maryland ths the district militia Invited repeated an -anarchist: I am a believer in law. But I do The people of the United States have de alike for their talent and their tireless devotion us turn from revolution and the drilling cent bunch or a thirteen cent bunch she not believe that everything we call law is law. cheering. creed that on this day the control of their to public duty. Adams, Jefferson and Calhoun company has non-umou men engaged in Toledo waiting for the result of of men to building up the business in eats nuts out of a basket and throws fourth the fifth was the western division and the sixth was made up" of the later arriving organizations.

The bicycle clubs ot Washington There is no greater curse upon any nation than government in its lrgislative and executive branches shall be given to a political party honored its incumbency during the early days of the republic, while Arthur, Hendricks and terests of the state. Let us make lhe east doors or the senate wing were opened at 10 o'clock to those who were entitled to admission and when the conference with the engineers and firemen. If the non-union men eo to the shells on the floor. The eyes of the proprietor still follow her, but there is and Baltimore brought up the rear. too much law.

The people are the law and then there comes the legislature There Is only one question in t'ne whole matter, and that the Kansas exhibit at the world's pledged in the most positive terms to the ac Morton have at a later period of our history The first crand division was officered by Gen. complishment of tariff reform. They have shed luster upon tho office of president of the work trouble is feared on the numerous Martin F. McMahon, grand marshal: Cols w. fair the starting point lie want home-seekers to come to our is justice.

If the supreme court had thought it the Inaugural party arrived the presi a different look iu their depth. After having nibbled at some dates whose thus determined in favor of a more just and most august deliberative assembly known to D. Whipple and A. C. Cooper, staff officers, and best to overstep their power because of justice.

equitable system of federal taxation. The man. connections of the Ann Arbor, as the employes of the various roads say they dent and the president-elect entered the senate wing by the bronze doors in state, bringing with them capital to as then it would be all right, but in the whole de stones follow the shells, she tries somes I assume the duties of the great trust con Brig -Gen. John Brooke, commander of the troops It included the presidential party ia agents they have chosen to carry out their purposes are bound by their promises, not less cision there was not a single iota of justice. fided to me with no feeling of self-confidence, the cast front, each accompanied by a sist in the work of making a great and prosperous state.

Many of us have Shall we abide by it? I say, never; but let us crackers samples some cheese, and finally decides on the ten cent bunch of will not handle freight from the Ann Arbor as long as non-union men are at work. but rather with of gravo distrust of my carriages, preceded and followed by a delegation of the New York business men's Clevelan' member of the committee of arrange appeal to the people. than by the -command of their masters, to devote themselves unremittingly to this service. While there should be no surrender of principle ab.llty satisfactorily to meet Its requirements. been here for more than thirty years, and Stevenson clubs, representing th3 Ne ments.

The president went directly to You no doubt recall what you said I may be pardoned for saying that it shall bo celery, which she requests the grocery-man to "send round as soon as possi York Stock exchange. Produce and Maritime and this must always be home to ai my earnest endsavor to discharge tho impor yourself, governor, to the Kansas City Secretary Agriculture. Washixgtox, March 7. Gen. Victor our taslt must be undertaken wisely and without vindictiveness.

Our mission is not punish exchange. Coffee exchange, Consolidated and the president's room and the president elect to the vice president's room, tant duties which lie before me with no less of fetroieum exchange. Wine and Spirits ex impartiality and courtesy than of firmness and Journal reporter on Saturday. For fear the complications of your administra The government of the state is not for the office holders but for the mass of the people who pay the taxes, and they ble." With a final grab at a handful of nuts she makes her way out, leaving a trail of shells stones and cracker change Dry Goods exchange. Merchants, ex where they remained until they entered Vifquin, of Nebraska, is here, on invitation of Secretary of Agriculture Mor fidelity.

Earnestly invoking the co-operation. change, Hide and Leather exchange. Iron and the senate chamber. the forbearance, the charity of each of its mem Metal exchange. Hardware exchmge.

West tion with the lottery gamblers down at the mouth of the Kansas river may ask for such a condition of peace and crumbs. The grocer orders the boy to Among thoso in the galleries were bers, I now enter upon my duties as presiding ton. It has not been learned what ho was called for, but, as Morton and he Sido exchange. Custom House Brokers' ex good order that the tens of thousands offk of the senate. "sweep up," and spends the rest of the Madame Romero, wife of the Mexican have further injured a somewhat unre change.

The regular troops which comprised The new senators took the oath and of eastern people seeking homes will are particular friends it is suspected eveninsr in trvintr to calculate how minister and the wives and daughters the first submsion were composed of Infantry, liable memory, I quote: the inaugural ceremonies proceeded in not be frightened away from Kansas -mnch he lost ou that bunch of celery. cavalry and artillery, commanded by CoL L. L. I am just as strong as ever In the belief that that he may be appointed assistant secretary of agriculture. The latter is a the usual form.

because ol the contention going on in N. Y. Herald. Livingston, a battalion of marines, a detachment of the hospital corps, the. national guard the court has no jurisdiction concerning the recognition cf either house.

However, if it of the Japanese, Brazilian and Russian ministers and attaches of the Chinese legation. In the president's gallery were Mrs. and Miss Morton, wife and our midst. The state is denied capital The Inaugural Address. Frenchman by birth.

He served in the war on the union side and distinguished of the district, the high school cadets and the Never I hwtlui in Anarer. comes to a question of right and expediency, it colored high school cadets. Washington, March 6. As soon as may be best to recognize the Douglass house. himself, for which he received the daughter of the vice-president, and the In the second sub-division were all the regi First Doy What did yer mother do to yer for goin skatin' on thin ice an' get- the thousands about the stand had be thanks of congress.

Cleveland appoint to-day because of the unsettled condition of our politics. Men refuse to send their money here to develop enterprises necessary to give life and vigor to every community ments, the Pennsylvania Isationil guard, com party of Vice-President-elect Steven come quiet, President Cleveland, in manded by Gov. PaVtison, who was accomp an ed him consul-general to Colon, Colom I will not take the responsibility of telling the populist house to recognize the Douglass branch. If they want to do so, they will do it of their own accord. I have not yet decided what course I will pursue, but I will act with on, consisting of Mrs.

Stevcuson and measured tones which were heard dis ted by his full staff tin' in? Second Boy She boxed me ears. First Boy Did it hurt? bia, and he remained in the consular service at that point under President tinctly by nearly all present, delivered In the third sub-division, which Gen. Fitz- three daughters, Misses Mary, Julia and Letitia; Mrs. M. T.

Scott, sister of his inaugural address as follows: the aavice of the populist caucus. hugh Lee commanded, were the National guards and escorts of the governors of New Harrison until his four years expireo. ment, but the rectification of wrongs. If, In lifting burdens from the daily life of our people wc reduce inordinate and unequal advantages long enjoyed, this is but a necessary incident of our return to right and justice. If we exact from unwilling minds acquiescence in the theory of an honest distribution of the fund cf governmental beneficence treasured up for all, we insist upon a principle which underlies our free institutions When we tear aside the delusions and misconceptions which have blinded our countrymen to their condition under vicious tariff laws, we but show them how far they have been led away from the.

paths of contentment and prosperity. When- we proclaim that tho necessity for revenue to support the government furnishes the only justification for taxing the people we announce a truth so plain that its denial would seem to indicate the extent to which Judgment may be influenced by familiarity with perversions of the taxing power, and wnen we seek to reinstate the self confidence and business enterprise of our citi zens, by discrediting an aoj-ict dependence upon governmental favor we strive to stimulate those elements of American character which support the hop? cf American achievement Anxiety for the redemption of tho pledges which my ptrty has mide and solicitude for the complete jus ifi cation of the trust the people fcave reposed in us, constrain me to remind those with whom I am to co-operate that we "etc succeed ta doing the work which has been especially Nset before us only by the most sln-oere, liarmotnou and disinterested effort. Even it ia-superuUi obstacles and opposition My Fellow Citizens: In obedience to tho Mrs. Stevenson, and daughters, Misses Second Boy Na She-was so mad she didn't wait for me to git me ear-muffs' 1 ou will notice, my dear governor, Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Missachasetts, mandate of my countrymen, I am about to ded Letitia and Julia: Mrs. James S.

that your judgment and your convic off. Demorest's Magazine. icate iuvself to their service under the sanction State of the Treasury. Washington, March 7. Secretary Maryland, of which the representation was very large: South Carolina, Virginia, New York.

of a solemn oath. Deenly moved by the ex Ewing and Misses Frances and Lucille Burns. The gentlemen were Messrs. tions were not in good working order on that day. You did not acquiesce in because political war and crankism and anarchy and openly expressed defiance of the courts menace all investment, and as long as these conditions exist times will grow more stringent and property go down in value.

There is not a bank or loan company in the state doing business with outside capitalists that has not had dozens of let pression of Confidence and personal attach Ncrth Carolina, West Virginia, Louisiana and Wisconsin, and following them were several Foster received a telegram from Assistant Treasurer Roberts at New Yok, Lewis and William Stevenson and the The I ndies. At a dinner of firemen recently, following sentiment was proposed: ment which has called me to this service, I am sure my gratitude can make co better return the decision of the highest legal tribunal; you waited for the caucus to in James and Spencer Ewing. Mrs. La- 6tating that 2,075,000 in gold had been crack volunteer companies. The fourth sub-division was made up than the pledge I now give before God and the mout, wife of the incoming secretary of "The ladies! Their eyes kindle the twenty-one posts of the G.

A. commanded witnesses of unreserved and complete devotion taken from the sub-treasury for export United States notes and treasury struct your mind and conscience as to Tour official duty. You then and there war, was with a party consisting of by S. E. Faunce, department commander, three to the interests and welfare of those who have only flame which we cannot extinguish, encampments of the Union Veteran legion and Miss Grace Sanders, Dr.

and Mrs. honored me. wrote yourself down as a little creature and against which there is no insur eight commands of the Union Veteran union. I tiecm it fitMnj on this occasion, indi of a little caucus of little men, and not ance." Yankee Blade. The second grand division was the civic or notes were paid for the gold.

In addition to the gold taken from the sub-treasury 125,000 in gold was taken from banks for export. This large export cating ifce opinions I hoid concerning public Lanier Warner, Miss Warner, Mus. and Miss Bryant of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear of Buffalo, Mrs.

Bisscll Questions of pre-cut Importance, to also briefly the big governor of a big state. One of your assistant governors, who is ambi Thuoght Ho nlL ters refusing to place money in Kansas for two years past, or demanding a return as soon as possible of all they have invested in this state. This is no exaggeration. It means wreck and ruin to thousands of people who are in debt The way put ia not by fiat money rt-fer to. the existence cf certain tonJitions and teiUsniies our people which seem to and party and Mr.

and Mrs. W. K. Jev will leave the treasury with a little tious to be known as the Herr Most of ganizations. CoL William Dickinson was chief marshal of this and among the aides were W.

E. Annin, O. Black, T. Bride, A- D. Brown and John M.

Burte. of Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Tawa sot being represented. In. ths first Kub-division, Ctimraaadud br Gen. Jcstaa Portar, with the Jackcn aa mt-naco the la.t n'uy un.

usL-fulaes-S Of their tup of New York and Mrs. Mis Mr. Cleraens, a confidential ad- Johnny (well up in a-lthmetic) ITl just bat a dollar you can't do decimals! Tommy (not so well up) I'll bet-1 kin unless he's twict as big as I am, guwrt nu i.t Fuller. less than 12,000,000 free gold, ths lowest point it has reached since. the paa-ae of the act for the resumption of visr-T of your stormy rrisn, said: Wtiiic vcr? American c-iiizia must prevoat th oasatamaUos ct our Utic, ws shall hardly He uctscd.

if fcilurs cu trkosd or any tfcer legislative schemes It an outrage: That thoie two ratr pia vrt ta iaai p1d end teihwtfftsis Mrs. Cleveland, accompanied by her Eofter, Mr Finy, Trib'iOvS. ttHr on isvm to hs iw aJl jtii paymaat i.

The Great Bend Weekly Tribune from Great Bend, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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