KIVA The Call of the Wisdom Keepers + dialoque with Elders (2024)

* Film screening of documentary KIVA | The Call of the Wisdom Keepers
* Inspiring dialogue with Wisdom Keepers Sankale Ntutu (Kenia) and Toroa Aperahama (NZ)
* With an introduction of Frans Heckman (Embassy of the Earth) and Henry Mentink (Veerhuis Voor de Aarde)

We are extremely happy that on this very special evening Maasai and Maori Wisdom Keepers Sankale Ntutu and Toroa Aperahama will be present to share, discuss with us the topics within the theme of this evening stated below.


The theme of this very special evening:
1. What are the challenges of this time and how can we change our ways?
For the Future and Wellbeing of the next 7 generations.
2. How are we humans all connected? What is a community or a tribe?
3. What is leadership according to people who are still connected and part of nature?

How can we all be(come) leaders and share and facilitate our knowledge
for the next 7 generations! 🙏🔥🍀

Before the dialoque we will first watch KIVA The Call of the Wisdom Keepers
A film by Marijke Kodden & Jaap Verhoeven.
Produced by Marijke Kodden & Rakinah Buttner.

Synopsis: In 1968, medicine man Raymundo Tigre Perez (Mexico/USA) had a vision. He saw indigenous Wisdom Keepers from all over the world united in a circular pit - with a fire in the heart - performing a ceremony. A spiritual ceremony for the earth, for peace and well-being of all living beings. Only later did he discover that this was a KIVA, an ancient ceremony already used by the Anasazi 3000 years ago. Hundreds of native Wisdom Keepers answered his call and these KIVA ceremonies have been taking place around the world for more than 30 years. The KIVA ceremony is a collective call from the entire indigenous population: they have never lost touch with nature and with their ancient wisdom they can lead us to a more connected and sustainable way of life!

In this documentary we get a unique view of the KIVA ceremony, where indigenous Wisdom Keepers gather around a sacred fire and express their love via prayers, ancient rituals, songs and dance. But they also share their concern about the care for Mother Nature and humanity! Because of the moving prayers and the impressive conversations with the Wisdom Keepers – the viewer is invited to reflect upon how to heal our relationship with the Earth. ‘Because she is crying and is calling her children home!’

And so the Wisdom Keepers carry out their final call through KIVA ceremonies all over the world. At the same time they bring healing and solutions through their ancient rituals, prayers and indigenous wisdom.

To get a first impression, here a short aftermovie of KIVA Mexico:

* Sankale Ole Ntutu (Kenia)
Sankale, son of the Paramount Chief Lerionka Ole Ntutu and proud to be a Maasai Tribes Man. He is the Community Chief in Maji Moto of more than 5.000 Maasai people. Nature is his guidance: nature never becomes biased, nature equilises people. He is spokes person between the communities and the Kenian Goverment, he is a Naturalist and passionate Nature Guide in Kenya. He loves sharing his knowledge about living in harmony with nature.

Together with is wife, Manon van Oldenbarneveld, he is the founder of the Back to Nature Foundation. His mission is to conserve Biodiversity and Maasai Cultural Heritage in the famous Masai Mara ECOSystem. The Foundation helps the Maasai tribe and wildlife to protect and concerve their land, as everyday hectares of nature are taken away from wildlife and the Maasai tribe.
As a leader not only for his community but for humanity, Sankale started an authentic small camp called Loita Hills Basecamp where people from all over the world come on organized tours to learn about Maasai culture and the way they live in complete harmony with nature.

* Toroa Aperahama (New Zealand)
“Tena Koutou Katoa, nga mihi Aroha”. A Maori greeting of love to you all. Raised and taught in the traditional ways of his ancestors by his grandmother Te Wharehau, he has worked directly with his Tupuna (ancestors) throughout his life and walks both sides of the physical and spiritual world… (Te Taha Tinana – Te Taha Wairua ). Over the years he has guided many people in their understanding and helped them to connect with nature, with their physical and spiritual sides, within today’s lifestyle. “Kia ora Koutou Katoa”.

* Frank Heckman (Embassy of the Earth)
In 2015, Frank Heckman spearheaded the alternative climate summit just outside Paris with hundreds of elders and wisdom keepers from all over the Earth. He has just returned from 2 months in Kenya and Tanzania to work on the change that is now extremely urgent and necessary there. His message is crystal clear, animals are dying and families have little to eat. As a Firekeeper, he knows how important ceremonies and rituals are, but he also has a clear message: it's time for action!

* Henry Mentink (Veerhuis Voor de Aarde)
“The whole Earth on the World Heritage List”
Last year Henry Mentink walked from the Veerhuis in Varik with his wheelbarrow to UNESCO headquarters in Paris with all kinds of pouches of earth from people from more than 75 countries to hand over this, including their wishes for the Earth, to the World Heritage director with the request to submit the whole Earth to the World Heritage List.

“Doing business for the benefit of all”
The question is how to really get people and organizations moving forward to the desired and necessary change. With the establishment of the first professional Fair Trade Shop in the Netherlands and the founding of the car sharing company MyWheels, Henry Mentink has shown that things can also be done differently in a business environment for the benefit of all.

“UNO-box” : In addition to a wheelbarrow, Henry has also developed a simple and powerful instrument (UNO box) with a matching method that even convinced the Dutch Central Bank. He will share this knowledge and experience with you.

KIVA The Call of the Wisdom Keepers + dialoque with Elders (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.